Ocean waves anime full movie
Ocean waves anime full movie

ocean waves anime full movie

Violence/ slaping must not be taken lightly but this is 20th century japan. Taku and Rikako are simply in that equal friendship level of Taku and Yutaka but difference in gender. In my opinion, it is a critical part in the movie.

Ocean waves anime full movie movie#

I understand how it is R Rated, as this is a Ghibli movie ans wasnt taken nicely by the audience specially 20 years ago.

ocean waves anime full movie

The communication is just simply not there in real life. Real life isnt a movie where the main characters do the right thing.

ocean waves anime full movie

The situation seems confusing in the movie but Yes, this happens in real life! Rikako simply poured out her frustration of Taku to Yutaka when he approached her. She was probably expecting initiation from Taku. However, she was thrown away when Taku confronted her about her rejecting his friend Yukata. Rikako showed her indifference to Taku after their trip to tokyo, “disasterous trip” I think the trip was actually a “good trip” to Rikako as She was sure that Taku was a good person, and thought they he liked her back. Yutaka was his best friend, and since He liked Rikako, she was off-limits for him to acknowledge his feeling for her. Rikako had unspoken trust in Taku seemingly because She liked him, and Taku liked her back unknowingly. This movie is a perspective of Taku and how he felt loyal to Yutaka and how confusing Rikako seem to him. I think Rikako was everything this movie wanted to represent. I am glad I found this blogspot! as I couldnt get alog with how this movies is so underrated and wanted to know about how different or similar others thought of this movie! Easily in top 5 of my favourite ghiblis, though it should not be compared to the regular ghibli, which I think is generally very stereotypical. You are entitled to your opinion, but I would recommend you to watch it another time. If I felt any character was confusing, it was the leads friend, don't get him at all, but it doesn't ruin the movie in any way for me as he has a small part. But check out some Indies, they have movies like this as well. And it's a slice of life movie, very different from what's generally served in western media. I like Rikako, did so from the beginning. Both were frustrated understandably, and no I don't like any forms of violence, but they are teens. And it was not like they beat eachother up. The hitting part is representing the underlying confusing emotions, and stuff like this happens all the time, it has nothing to do with if anybody deserves it, it is a realistic film. I really like Rikako, and actually I see myself in her some ways, not the lead so much. I felt I got to know Rikako, not any frustrations from previous encounters as you mention, and I'm a young male. If the movie has any faults, it's that it is perhaps a bit short and so maybe confusing to some. She is confusing at first, but as the lead is getting to know her, he sort of understands her and realizes he has feelings for her because all they have been through together. Her moving, not getting along with most of the other girls, her being independent from an early age, her relationship with her parents, etc. Rikako's behavior is completely understandable, as we are getting to know her through the movie. You don't see it through the eyes of men, you see it through one man. I feel you are missing the point of the movie. I completely disagree! Ocean Waves, while it's not my favourite ghibli, I can't get enough of it.

ocean waves anime full movie

If anything, it gives the portrayal that Rikako is a weak girl and needs to be held up by one man after another has hurt her. The scene, while full of emotion, wastes it chance to develop the relationship between these characters. Instead of choosing to have Rikako talk about her feelings in order to develop her character a bit (which would have been nice, considering at this point all we really know about her is that her parents are divorcing), the camera chooses to instead focus first on Taku’s bewildered face at having a girl cling to him, and secondly to the two of them just standing there. When they get to the room, Rikako has an emotional outburst and runs into Taku’s arms. She is devastated and ends up having to stay in a hotel room with Taku. Taku tags along with her to make sure that she is safe, and when Rikako gets to Tokyo, she finds out that her father is living with his mistress. One good example of this is a powerful scene in the film involving Rikako sneaking away to Tokyo to see her estranged father.

Ocean waves anime full movie